Java Programs
In this page, you will find the all the Java array programs along with some simple programs.
Some array programs in Java.
Create a 3*3 Matrix &Print The Diagonal Total.Create An Array Of 3*3 Matrix & Print It Again Along Column Wise Total.
Create An Array Of 3*3 Matrix & Print It Again Along With Row Wise Total.
Enter 5 Numbers In Reverse Order by One Dimensional Array
Multiplication of two-dimensional arrays.
Enter 5 Numbers through Array.
Sorting a list of numbers (Array).
Find Armstrong Numbers.
Receive 1 Number from the User & Generate the Table of That Number and Store It into Array Then Print by One Dimensional Array
Receive An Array, 3*3 Matrix Pass Values To It & After Then Print That.
Some simple programs in Java .
Write a program to print the name.Application of single inheritance
Application of classes and objects.
Constructors in java.
Make a table which contain the sum of even values.
Multilevel inheritance with private member.
Nesting of if…else statements.
The ladder if else in java.
The Hello Java applet.
The Simple if…else statement.
The switch statement in java.
Write a program of Constructor in java.
Write a program of Default arguments.